Violation Of The Trademark Right

The acts constituting an infringement of the right to trademark are given in the 29th article of the Law no. 6769 Cases that are considered as infringement of the Trademark right are listed below.

  1. a) Imitating the brand by using the trademark or its indistinguishable likeness without the permission of the trademark owner.
  2. b) Sell, distribute, otherwise trade, import, export, hold for commercial purposes or contract for the goods bearing the trademark used by rape if it knows or should know that the trademark has been imitated by using the trademark or its indistinguishable counterpart propose
  3. c) Unauthorized extension of the rights granted by the licensee by the owner or transfer of these rights to third parties.


Istek Patent, which provides legal support for any trademark ownership disputes with its expert lawyers, provides services to its clients in Istanbul, Izmir and Ankara, Antalya, Bursa. Our clients are represented by specialized lawyers in the first instance of the civil, criminal and administrative courts and the higher courts such as the Supreme Court and In addition, on behalf of clients, customs interception, seizure applications, criminal and civil law search and seizure applications are made.


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