What is an invention?
The main subject matter of the Patent is “Invention”. Invention is a technical solution solving a technical problem in the field of industry, including agriculture.
Therefore, an invention is needed to have a “technique” feature as precondition. In this context; a new product, a new method or developments in a product are patentable subject matters as an invention. Also, more importantly the technique inventions which are novel, which surpass the State-of-the-Art and which are applicable in industry shall be protected by patents.
- Which subject matters and inventions are non-patentable?
The following, not being inventions as of their nature, shall remain outside the scope of the present Decree-Law:
- Discoveries, scientific theories, mathematical methods.
- Plans, methods, schemes/rules for performing mental acts, for conducting business/trading activity, and for playing games
- Computer programs.
- Literary and artistic works, scientific works, creations having esthetic characteristic.
- Presenting the knowledge
Patent shall not be granted for inventions in respect of following subject matter:
- Inventions whose subject matter is contrary to the public order or to morality as is generally accepted
- Excepting the microbiologic process or the products obtained as result of these processes, plant varieties or animal race and mainly biological process for plant or animal generation
- All treatment methods including methods of diagnosis and surgery for applying to human or animal body.
- At various stage of its formation and development, only discovery of one of the elements of the human body, including the human body and a gene array or partial gene array
- Human cloning procedures, procedures for changing the genetic identity of the human gender line, using of human embryos for industrial or commercial purposes, without significant medical benefit to humans or animals, genetic identity modification procedures which are able to torment the animals and the acquired animals as resulting of the mentioned procedures.